Tandigm Health Posts Strong Third-Year Results; Shows Sustainability of Value-Based Model in Philadelphia

West Conshohocken, PA – May 30, 2018 – Tandigm Health, a value-based healthcare company supporting primary care physicians, today announced strong third-year results, further validating the model of rewarding doctors for quality of care.  In its third year of operation, the company achieved profitability, improved patient health outcomes and reduced utilization costs by 11 percent by providing proactive, coordinated care in partnership with more than 1,100 local primary care physicians and specialists.

In 2017, Tandigm’s physicians demonstrated high performance across industry standard quality measures. The majority of measures achieved the highest threshold according to national standard benchmarks. This included more than 20,000 colorectal cancer screenings, 11,000 breast cancer screenings and 26,000 assessments for high blood pressure. As a result of these quality outcomes, Tandigm was again able to provide meaningful compensation to the primary care physicians it partners with.

With a commitment to engage, enable and empower its physicians with the tools and resources needed to provide the right care, at the right time, in the right place and in the right way, Tandigm was able to improve quality and patient health outcomes. When comparing calendar year 2017 to 2016, Tandigm reduced inpatient utilization costs by 11 percent for Medicare Advantage patients and 5 percent for Commercial patients. In that same timeframe, 94 percent of Tandigm’s Medicare Advantage patients received a comprehensive in-person assessment by their physician, improving the quality of their care and enabling Tandigm to reduce hospital admissions for that patient population by 7 percent. Hospital admissions were also reduced by 8 percent for Commercial patients.

“In just three years of operation, Tandigm has made incredible progress with our value-based care model,” said Tandigm President and CEO Patrick Adams. “By providing our network of physicians with the tools and resources they need to be successful, we have been able to deliver proactive, high-quality care for our patients while reducing costs. Our third year results are encouraging as I believe they show our value-based model is not only sustainable and profitable, but also points to the incredible promise of better patient outcomes.”

With more than 420 primary care physicians and over 180 full-time employees, Tandigm’s network of physicians now care for a population of over 110,000 patients. Collaborative relationships have been a key component for advancing Tandigm’s growth. In 2017, Tandigm added to its existing collaborations by signing a new agreement with Vantage Cancer Care Network. This relationship allows physicians in Tandigm’s network to more seamlessly coordinate care for patients with specific oncology diagnoses by strengthening relationships with Vantage’s 130-plus providers. In addition, Tandigm enables collaboration between their network of primary care physicians and more than 550 specialists across eight specialties.

Throughout 2017, the company expanded existing programs and implemented new initiatives to ensure their high-risk patients were receiving high-quality care, which enabled Tandigm to reduce the number of days that their Medicare Advantage patients needed to spend in skilled nursing facilities by 11 percent. Tandigm also completed its first Population Health Champions program, designed to develop the next generation of population health leaders through a series of training sessions facilitated with Jefferson College of Population Health. In addition, Tandigm launched the Comprehensive Medication Management Program in collaboration with Tabula Rasa HealthCare, which allows the medication regimens of high-risk patients to be properly assessed for appropriateness, effectiveness, and safety. These programs, coupled with several other ongoing initiatives, have enabled Tandigm to enhance its value-based, physician centric model to achieve notable quality improvements.

About Tandigm Health

Tandigm Health is dedicated to enhancing the ability of primary care physicians to provide the finest possible care while lowering costs through a more coordinated, proactive model. By providing greater tools and resources to its network of doctors, Tandigm puts primary care physicians back at the center of patient care.  To learn more about Tandigm’s approach to value-based health care, visit www.tandigmhealth.com